Kofi Me

Monday, July 20, 2020

United We Need to Stand

Here in the United States, there is trouble and division. Politically, racially, and in other ways. We are four months into a pandemic. There has been fear, tension, worries, confusion, and lack of direction or leadership. I have been guilty of watching and laughing at the "Karen" videos, showing irate women screaming about slight injustices in public places. Karens used to be middle-aged white women who made petty complaints in a loud, rude way to management. It has now devolved to mean racist or anti-mask people having a fit.
I took a step back from those videos and tried to figure out what is behind their rage? Why are they so unraveled? Driven by fear of losing liberty, just like the ongoing fear of losing gun rights, these people act out defiant and full of fury. Part of it is the media's fault, and I include both sides on this. They have stirred up fear, anger, division. I have angrily lashed out at racists and those who differ in my political beliefs, including the president. The current president has done nothing to calm or unite people. Many of his posts on Twitter and his speeches are hate-filled, angry, anti-immigrant rants. I am not perfect and can't guarantee I won't ever resort to such negative responses again.
I tried to look at all of this from a Christian perspective. We are supposed to love our neighbor, but how can I even like a white supremacist? Racists are afraid of blacks, of immigrants, of anyone who doesn't look like them. Their minds have been poisoned, perhaps from their parents or other adults they admired, and from radical conspiracy theories. We can't underestimate the media's role in this. But that poison has seeped into their brains, blocking all rational thought, turning themselves into a cult.  How can we get racists to see the light? To understand we are all one in God's eyes? How can I become a better person too?
I had a daydream where I encounter one of them in a store yelling about masks or saying something about blacks. How do I speak up and get them to see that their way of thinking is wrong? How can I unite people? I am praying every day that we become united again. We are supposed to be the United States. We all need to pray for our country and the world. We've gotten so far away from practicing our faith. Those who don't believe in God can still understand and support the basic principle of decency in being kind to one another, being peaceful and united, and caring enough to wear masks during a pandemic and practice social distancing. Can white supremacists be changed? I will pray to God to help me be an instrument for this change, if possible. I want a peaceful country and world, a place where there is no hatred, no division, and more unity. How do we achieve that?
Maybe my idea is too utopian. Perhaps it isn't possible to change people and have them see the similarities between us, the fact that we all have the same primary goals in life. But it wouldn't hurt to try. Gandhi said, be the change you want to see in the world. I want us to care more for one another, be kinder to one another, and soothe the disharmony that has infested our country and the world.
I urge you no matter what religion you are, even if you don't follow any religion, to be a catalyst for positive change in your neighborhood. Practice kindness. When you see someone in a rage or angry, try to be a calming influence. Listen to them and, if possible, help them understand your goal of uniting people. Ask them to practice kindness and to be at peace with others and the world. Maybe our small drops of influence can help bring about change and a better place to live. I can only hope.